
Snow Removal Information


Town Snow Plowing

Public Works will commence snow plowing when snow accumulates to 4 inches (or more) of compacted snow, and sanding will be applied as needed. In most cases, the Town will strive to haul snow away from most roadways. Only under special circumstances will snow be plowed to both sides of the roadways, except where it is more practical to clear to the same side continuously, such as around parks, playgrounds, and vacant lots.

Resident Snow Removal - Public Sidewalks

Please be advised that, in accordance with Bylaw 1151, all property owners are responsible for clearing snow from any public sidewalk that abuts their property within 48 hours of every snowfall. In addition, ice must also be removed, and a salt/sand mixture is available behind the Town of Grimshaw Public Works Shop yard - just bring your own bucket. The mixture can be accessed during Public Works hours, 8 AM to 5 PM. This salt/sand mix is intended for use on public sidewalks only and not for personal use (e.g., driveways).


Be a Snow Angel and Shovel Snow for Seniors

If you’d like to lend a hand and shovel snow for seniors, please contact Grimshaw Community Services at 780-332-4005 ext 04.