Committee Members

Front Row (left to right): Brenda Yasinski, Councillor (County of Northern Lights), Tara Elliot, Member at Large, Wendy Wald, Mayor (Town of Grimshaw), Charlene Cavers, Member at Large, Dr. Anka Coutzee, Physician.
Back Row (left to right): Theresa Johnson, Councillor (MD of Peace 135), Holly Handfield, PhPAP Consultant, Stacey Messner, Chairperson, Brian Allen, CAO (Town of Grimshaw), Lori Kinee, Councillor (MD of Peace 135)

Committee members missing from the photo: Constance Hampton, Municipal Secretary (Town of Grimshaw), Margaret McClarty, CAO (MD of Peace 135), Kayln Schug, Councillor (County of Northern Lights), Susan Smith, North Zone Physician Planner (AHS), Nicole Rashidian, North Zone Talent Acquisition (AHS) and Dan Dibbelt, Executive Director (Lac Cardinal Economic Development)