Amending the Land Use Bylaw
A person may apply to amend the Land Use Bylaw in writing to the Development Officer by completing the form below and submitting an application fee as established by Council. All applications to amend the Bylaw shall include the following:
- A certificate of title for the subject property;
- An indication of the applicant’s interest in the subject property;
- A statement of the proposed land use(s);
- Reasons in support of the amendment; and
- Any supporting drawings subject to the satisfaction of the Development Officer
All amendments to the Land Use Bylaw shall be made in conformity with the provisions of the MGA and any applicable statutory plans. The Town of Grimshaw may at any time also initiate an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.
Application to Amend Land Use Bylaw (Form 1)
Non-Statutory Plans Policies Standards and Bylaws
In addition to statutory plans and the Land Use Bylaw the Town of Grimshaw has other non-statutory plans policies bylaws and standards that are used when considering applications for development permit and subdivision. They include:
Municipal Sustainability Plan (2011)
The Town of Grimshaw Municipal Sustainability Plan is a long-term policy plan that was developed in 2011 to guide change and development towards a sustainable community based on the environmental cultural social and economic aspects of the Town. The plan identifies principles goals priority projects actions and measures for promoting sustainable development in Grimshaw.
Public Participation Policy
Adopted by Council in 2018 the Public Participation Policy outlines the Town of Grimshaw’s approach to public participation. It defines the role of the Town in informing and engaging municipal stakeholders in the decision-making process.
Business License Bylaw No. 1144
The Business License Bylaw manages the licensing and regulation of businesses operating within the Town of Grimshaw. Under the Bylaw all new and existing businesses operating in Grimshaw except non-profit organizations are required to obtain and maintain a business license from the Town Office. A business license is required in addition to a development permit for newly built business establishments.
Fee Schedule Bylaw No. 1153
The Fee Schedule Bylaw consolidates the fees rates charges and penalties for services provided by the Town of Grimshaw including development permit application fees.
Grimshaw Lot Availability Study (2017)
The Lot Availability Study provides a factual inventory of all lots within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Grimshaw. The Study identifies the current number of vacant lots under planning consideration and may be used to determine approval conditions for a development based on the level of services available to a lot.
Relationship Between Planning Documents
The hierarchy of documents within the Town of Grimshaw’s land use planning framework is established by the MGA. The MGA requires that each level is consistent with the level above and below it and that the policies or regulations within planning document(s) at each level may be implemented by those below them in the decision-making process. The MGA provides the legislative authority for municipal land use planning and decision-making while the ALSA regional plan (or Land Use Policies in their absence) provides broad-based policy directions and principles for municipal land use planning which are affected through statutory plans and bylaws. The statutory plans provide future direction for the development and use of lands at the fringe areas of the Town’s boundaries (IDP) or within the whole municipality (MDP) or small areas of the Town in greater detail (ASPs). The LUB regulates the use and development of land based on the policy directions of statutory plans while the Subdivision and Development Regulation regulates subdivision planning in conjunction with the MGA applicable statutory plans and the Land Use Bylaw. The polices studies guidelines and other documents contain additional information or specific requirements outside statutory plans and the LUB documents to establish application requirements and inform the review and decision-making process for development permit and subdivision applications either in general or for certain types of development and subdivision or for development and subdivision at certain locations. Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between a higher-level planning document and a lower-level planning document the higher-level planning document prevails to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.